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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Biafra-A 1968-69 1 Pound Banknote-Illustrated

Illustrated below is the obverse and reverse of the 1968-69 1 Pound banknote. The Republic of Biafra seceded from Nigeria in 1967 and fought a war of independence from 1967 to 1970 when it was reabsorbed into Nigeria. During the short life of the Biafran State banknotes were printed for use within its borders.

Afghanistan-An Afghan "Dump" Coin-Illustrated

Illustrated below is the obverse and reverse of an Afghani "dump" coin. These were local use coins made by hammering small lumps of copper or bronze with a metal die. Mainly quite small and thick because of their crude manufacture. This example measures approx 20mm in diameter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

India-2 Pies Brown of Cochin-Maharaja Postage Stamps

Illustrated below are the 2 Pies (brown) issues of all the Maharajas of Cochin.

This Detail Shows the examples of the 2 dies used in the production of Sri Kerala Varma 3rd issues. Die 1 on the left and Die 2 on the right (the scarcer variety) showing a slightly larger space behind the hat and more of the collar around the neck.

There were also 2 die variants of the 2 pies of issue of Sri Rama Varma 3rd. The example shown here is of Die 2.

An Album Page of Old Turkish Postage Stamps

Shown below is a page from an old album of turkish stamps. The last detail below the page is a stamp of Great Britain used abroad with overprinted local value.

3 Postage Stamps of the Ottoman Empire from an Old Album Page

Republique de Guinee-African Masks and Costumes Postage Stamps

The first stamps of independent Guinea were issued on 5 January 1959. Before that, Guinea used general French Colonies stamps, the stamps of Senegal and stamps of French West Africa.
Issued in the mid 60's and shown below (with details) is a partial set of stamps with illustrations of masks and costumes worn in the country. Missing from the set is a 200F value.

The 1979 New Zealand 1 Dollar Coin

Illustrated above is the 1979 New Zealand 1 Dollar coin. Cupro-nickel. A large coin with a diameter of approx 39mm. Obverse is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. Reverse is the Coat of Arms surrounded  by the New Zealand "Silver Fern" leaf.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945-1946) Provisional Postage Stamp

On 2 Sept. 1945, President Ho Chi Minh proclaimed in Hanoi the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. During the first days of  independence, theVietnamese Postal Administration had to over-print several Indochinese stamps to use as provisional postage stamps of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

One set of stamps overprinted for use by the new Government was the Philippe Petain issue,( President of Vichy France during the Second World War). The issue had 6 values a 3 Cent (olive-green), 6 Cent (red), 10 Cent (green), 40 Cent (deep-green), 40 Cent (blue) and 1 Franc (light-brown). Illustrated below is the 6 Cent value. Overprints were in green,red and black

An Album Page with Russian Czarist Postage Stamps

The emblem at the centre of the stamp is the Russian Imperial Double Headed Eagle. A detail is added below.

A Small Album Page of Portuguese Colonial Stamps

Illustrated below is small Postage stamp album page of Portuguese colonial Stamps. Mostly from Angola with a detail of 3 of the stamps below that.

Indian Maharaja Stamps-Sri Rama Varma the 1st-Overprint Type 1

Sri Rama Varma the 1st Raja of Cochin 1895-1914. Below is an example of the type 1 official overprint with oval O in "ON" and serifed "S" as listed in Gibbons.Printed in red. This example looks as if an attempt was made to correct the "S" resulting in a confused double printing resembling an 8.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Indian Maharaja Stamps-Sri Rama Varma 1st-6 Anna Official-Type O2

Sri Rama Varma the 1st Raja of Cochin 1895-1914. Below is an example of the type 2 official overprint with small "ON" and serifed "G" as listed in Gibbons. These stamps were only ever used officially.

Cochin Maharaja Stamps-Rama Varma 3rd-2 Examples of Official Overprint Varieties

Illustrated below are 2 examples of official overprint varieties on the Sri Rama Varma the 3rd 3 Anna stamp.
The examples are of the Perkins-Bacon recess printings.
The first shows (as listed in Stanley Gibbons) overprint type O9 with a circular "O" and small serifs on the "N"  .The second overprint type is overprint O5 with a straight back to the "C".

An Album Page of German "HyperInflation" Postage Stamps

Issued during a period of runaway monetary inflation between 1921 and 1923 in Germany.The Mark devalued so rapidly in these years that overprints were necessary to change values without printing more stamps  Some details of  these overprints issued to keep up with the devaluation of the German Mark are illustrated below.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Page of Russian Soviet Postage Stamps

Page 1 of Soviet Russian Stamps, with detail below. Click on image to enlarge the back page to return to blog

Cochin Maharaja Stamps-Kerala Varma 3rd-Examples of 2 Dies Used in their Production

Two dies were used in the production of  Varma the 3rd stamps. In Die 1, the back of the hat touching the frame/ Die 2 (a scarcer variety) with a small space between the hat and frame.

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Hitler Head" Postage Stamps-A Partial Set

Illustrated below is a partial set of Hitler head stamps. Issued from the 1940's throughout the Second World War until the final year of the war when the legend was changed from Deutches Reich to GrossDeutches Reich. Missing from the set are the 42pf and the 1, 2 and 5 Reichmarks issues. The detail of the 40 pf shows a nice example of the cd's used in the Nazi German postmark.

LIberian Postage Stamps-Commemorating Presidential Visit

Commemorating President Tubman's European Tour (in 1956). Issued in 1958, frames engraved and vignettes lithographed by H.L. Peckmore & Sons, USA on unwatermarked paper, perforated 10¼. 7 stamps were issued. The set consisted of
3x 5 Cent issues in light brown, deep rose red and blue with
1 x 10 Cent issue in grey-black and 3 x 15 Cent issues in ultramarine, green and deep reddish violet.

Liberia's First Airmail Stamps

Engraved by Perkins, Bacon & Company, England on paper watermarked "Crosses and Circles" (perf 14) on September 30, 1936, Liberia issued her first airmail set — showing a Ford Trimotor aeroplane landing in Liberia on six stamps.
The set consisted of a 1 Cent (yellow-green), a 2 C (scarlet), 3 C (violet), 4 C (orange), 5 C (greenish-blue), and 6 C (green) the full set is illustrated below. With a detail of the 6 Cent issue below the set.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

An Edwardian Postcard from Australia

An illustration of an Edwardian Postcard of (the now unknown) Miss Ada Reeve.
Posted in Brisbane on May 30th (no year date) and sent to Paddington in Sydney.

2 Old Postage Stamps of Sirmoor-Indian Princely States

Shown below are 2 stamps issued in Sirmoor  between 1885 and 1896
They show  a portrait of the Raja Shamsher  Parkash (who died in 1898)
The Set consisted of  values of  3 pies, 6 pies, 1 anna and 2 anna in orange,
blue-green, bright-blue and pink with some varieties in colour. There were
also some variations in printing ,  the dots between  the value and the
beginning  and end of the words Sirmoor State Postage Stamp  showing variation
In size and position. The examples illustrated here are of the large and even spaced
dot variety.

2 Old Postage Stamps of Soruth-Indian Princely States

Illustrated below are two stamps issued in the Feudatory Indian State of
Soruth. They are imperfs on laid paper issued between 1878 and 1886. The
only values issued were  the 1 anna (green) and the 4 anna (vermilion) shown

Cochin Maharaja Postage Stamps-Some Overprint Varieties

Some examples of the many varieties of overprint on Cochin Maharaja
Stamps. With some detail illustrations of stamps shown below. Click on an image to enlarge it,
then back page to return to the blog.